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Barrier-based auditing
Operational processes, activities and even an entire Safety Management System can be represented using bowtie risk models. This method identifies barriers that should prevent threats from becoming real events that cause harm.
The effectiveness of these barriers is therefore critical. To manage their effectiveness we need to know how well they are being maintained and therefore how likely it is that they will perform as intended if called upon. A common way of assessing the quality of your safety management system is to perform audits. Traditional audits often focus on a discrete management system or process, but this may give a misleading view of how well individual barriers are performing: Using a barrier-based audit approach allows you to:
We can work with your team to help them build bowtie risk models, understand the threats, consequences and control measures and plot these in bowtie models. We can also provide training on how to apply the method in your workplace. We can also provide training in using the bowtie methodology. Use the leading software to produce bowtie risk diagramsBowTieXP is the most used risk assessment software that is based on the bowtie method. It is produced by Wolters Kluwer and enables you to easily create bow tie diagrams to assess risk. BowTieXP is unique in its ability to visualize complex risks in a way that is understandable, yet also allows for detailed risk-based improvement plans.
AuditXP is an audit and compliance software tool, employing the same software framework as BowTieXP. The tool is developed to close the “Plan-Do-Check” circle (Deming circle). After defining the barriers in your safety management system (the plan stage) and implementing them (the do stage), AuditXP is used to check and monitor the quality and effectiveness of the barriers. Silver Moor Business Consulting has been appointed as a value-added and expert agent globally for Wolters Kluwer to provide BowTieXP, AuditXP, training and consultancy for the bowtie methodology. Logos and trademarks are the property of Wolters Kluwer and used by permission.
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